Zimbabwean Bishop Maponga Calls for Unified Agenda among African Countries

Mr. Andrew Irumba Dr. Wakawaka and Bishop Joshua Maponga at Entebbe International Airport scaled e17

By Sadique Bamwita




A renowned Pan Africanist as well as renowned Zimbabwean spiritual preacher Bishop Joshua Maponga Marara last night on August 30, 2024, arrived in Uganda and upon his arrival at Entebbe International Airport he called on all African countries to adopt a unified agenda so as to get rid of colonial influence. He made the call ahead of today’s Pan African Phyramaid global awards slated to take place in Kampala city.


Bishop Maponga argues that Africans are not in a vaccum but simply inherited a legacy of colonial legislative framework, academic curriculum, health and medical institutions which are flooded in policies which control and inhibit the free flow of education and information around African people.


He adds that the dream of a united Africa isn’t an illusion but rather it has to speak to our unified governance structures, Agriculture and food.


“We are not yet there until Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, can sit on one table and we eat together physically. We are here to push for unified agenda item, the late Kwame Nkrumah and Julius Nyerere were discussing what should be done, but for me, I’m here to discuss how and when this should be done. Therefore, I think the unity for Africa is now, “Bishop Maponga noted.


The USA/Canada Ambassador of Agribusiness of God and International Director of JJk Institute, Dr. Hughes Pierre Gatchou alias Dr. Wakawaka, who came alongside Bishop Maponga, said : It’s a blessing to be in the land of my ancestors traveling all the way from Canada to Uganda . Its a gift from God and our ancestors.


“We are here to talk about Pan-Africanism and my focus is how to unify the children of Africa and how we can unify the black Africans to food. Joseph in the bible was from Africa and says the whole world is true Agribusiness food. We have the best food in Africa and the bad food or junk food is in America, ‘ Dr. Wakawaka revealed.’


Dr. Hughes alias Wakawaka believes that if Africa focuses on food production, it can save the whole world adding that without food there is no life.

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