Zari should learn from Rema – Shakib


Since beginning her relationship with Dr. Sebunya, Namakula has avoided any public interactions with Kenzo and refrains from mentioning him, except when necessary during interviews, where she skillfully sidesteps such questions.

He recounted an incident during her recent meeting with Diamond Platnumz, where Zari called him, but he chose not to answer. In response, she allegedly went live on social media, spreading false narratives while intoxicated to control the situation.

Lutaya revealed that the stress caused by Zari’s actions is pushing him to his limits, fearing that one day he might lose his sanity. He admitted that defending himself on social media is challenging, given Zari’s large and sympathetic following.

He confessed that he now feels their relationship is more about using each other rather than being based on genuine love, which has become increasingly frustrating. Lutaya mentioned that he avoids taking photos with women who approach him, out of respect for Zari and to avoid upsetting her.

Lutaya also shared an incident where he was set to shoot a music video with Mudra, Nina Roz, Zex Bilangilangi, Chozen Blood, and Fik Fameica. However, Zari raised concerns about potential misunderstandings, particularly regarding the photoshoot with Nina Roz, leading him to cancel it.

Despite this, Lutaya was dismayed when Zari didn’t reciprocate the consideration after meeting with Diamond Platnumz. He expressed his pain, believing their relationship was founded on love, only to now question her true intentions.

Going forward, Lutaya said that if they are to reconcile, it will not be out of love but rather for mutual benefit. Nevertheless, he clarified that he has no issues with Diamond Platnumz seeing his children. When Zari informed him of Platnumz’s arrival for a birthday event, Lutaya simply requested that no videos be recorded that could result in him being disrespected.

This content was created with the help of an AI model and verified by the writer

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