Zakes Bantwini celebrates 100,000 YouTube subscribers – “Still on top after 20 years in the music industry”

Zakes Bantwini 1

“I think that’s the evolution right there. That’s why after 20 years in the music industry I’m still on top. I think what stands out for me will be my music video The Ghetto. It’s really my story and it’s the first video I’ve directed. When I look at the comments and how it makes people feel when they see the video, I think that’s the highlight,” he told TshishaLIVE.

The music producer talked about the recent achievement with his YouTube channel.

“I posted celebrating it. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I’m only realising it now it’s a big deal. I think I’ll celebrate the milestone by having dinner. I’m sure I’ll have a party to celebrate my YouTube channel.”

“There are so many ideas with my team we are going to be putting on my channel, specially pushing dance music. You’ll see more content and most of my interviews will be on my channel.”

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