Worshippers find abandoned baby dead outside church


The tragic incident unfolded on Monday morning, when residents stumbled upon the body of a day-old baby girl, sparking widespread concern and speculation within the community.

According to local residents, the baby was found covered with dried plantain leaves, raising suspicions that she might have been abandoned on the premises late Sunday night.

It remains unclear whether the child was left there already deceased or alive.

The discovery caused a significant stir, with many residents gathering around the church premises to discuss the heartbreaking incident.

A video circulating on social media captured the scene, showing the exact location where the baby was found.

In the video, a man who identified himself as the Chief Security Officer (CSO) of the Nkpor community is heard urging anyone with information about the baby’s mother to come forward and assist the police in their investigation.

The security officer, Chris Udeze, confirmed that the neighborhood watch was alerted to the scene early Monday morning.

We were informed about the abandoned baby, and when we arrived, we found the lifeless body of what seemed to be a one-day-old infant, covered with leaves. We suspect she was abandoned late Sunday night, but we couldn’t determine if she was left here dead or alive,” Udeze said.

The police were promptly notified, and officers from the Ogidi Police Division arrived to inspect the scene.

The baby’s body was later evacuated, and the investigation is ongoing.

Authorities have urged residents to be vigilant and report any lactating mother in the area who is without her child.

One resident, identified simply as Nkechi, speculated that the baby might have been abandoned by a woman who became pregnant out of wedlock.

This could be the result of someone who couldn’t care for the baby. The child was probably left here alive but didn’t survive the cold night,” she said.

The church where the baby was found is not fenced or gated, which may have made it easier for the baby to be abandoned without detection.

The shocking incident has, however, left the community reeling, and authorities continue to investigate, urging anyone with information to come forward.

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