Work together to make Ghana proud – Dampare urges political parties


The Inspector-General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare, has called on political parties to work in harmony as the nation approaches the 2024 General Election.

“We are all working together, so let’s keep to that. It’s about Ghana, it’s about Africa. It’s about us today and our children tomorrow. So we owe it to ourselves to be responsible and work together in peace and allow God to decide.”

He continued: “Because we can coexist peacefully, let’s accomplish our work in this life without fighting among ourselves. So I wish you well and I’m happy to see all of you working together. I know you’ve been eating together.”

“We are so happy to see you work together to make Ghana proud. We work together to make Africa proud. We work together and make the Black man proud. Thank you very much.”

Dr Dampare’s call for unity and peaceful cooperation among political parties is a timely reminder of the importance of collaboration and harmony as Ghana prepares for its 2024 General Election.

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