Woman remanded for stealing seven-day-old baby – The Kampala Report

Monica Akello

Monica Akello

A 29-year-old woman has been remanded for allegedly stealing a 7-day-old baby girl.

Monica Akello on Tuesday appeared before Chief Magistrate Ronald Kayizzi.

The Court heard that on August 5th 2024, at City Square along Kampala Road in Central Division in the Kampala District, with intent to deprive the parents, Miriam and Moi Mark who had lawful care of a seven-day-old baby , Akello reportedly took her away.

Akello allegedly duped Namusana by pretending to introduce her to an NGO supporting breastfeeding mothers and children under 6 years old. Akello then accompanied Namusana to Mulago Hospital to obtain a birth certificate.

However, upon returning, Akello took the baby and hired different boda-bodas, instructing one to take her to her home in Kamwokya with the infant.

The baby’s whereabouts remained unknown until August 13, when Akello’s father led police to her residence in Mulimira, Kamwokya. Akello was arrested and the baby was reunited with her biological parents.

Akello has denied the charges but was remanded to Luzira Prison until September 4th 2024  as police investigations continue.

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