What is the best time to eat sweets?

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Many of us cannot imagine a day without a sweet accent. However, taking care of our health and figure, do we have to completely give up this little pleasure? It turns out that we do not have to.

Dieticians emphasise that even on a restrictive diet, you can allow yourself sweet moments, as long as you maintain common sense.

According to experts, there is an optimal time to eat sweet snacks. If we feel like a small departure from our diet, we should reach for sweets in the early afternoon. At this time, our body is able to quickly burn the energy provided.

In the morning, sweets can take the place of products that our body is waiting for after a night’s rest to set important metabolic processes in motion.

Evening moments with chocolate or cake can be tempting, but experts advise to postpone sweets until earlier in the day. Eating them in the evening, when energy needs are already low, can contribute to storing unwanted pounds around the belly and hips.

For those who want to control their sweet tooth, experts suggest a few simple tricks:

  • Drink water – thirst is often confused with hunger.
  • Eat a healthy meal, preferably rich in protein – this will satisfy your hunger and provide long-lasting energy.
  • Go for a short walk – fresh air exercise can do wonders for our appetite.

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