What Do Churches Preach About The Coming Of Christ!

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Years ago, you may have seen calenders with picture of rapture. This you may hardly see today. And for some churches, they may preach well, but you may hardly hear them talk of Christ coming with seriousness. Some churches preach gospels that wont take a person to heaven…
Does your church preach fervently on Christ’s return?

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All what the church teach you will only lead you to mighty damnation

From redeemed to Foursquare to deeper life to embassy to chosen…ANY CHURCH THAT PREACHES SALVATION THROUGH THE BLOOD OF CHRIST…they’re preaching a lie

Jesus never came to earth to die for anyone sin. If it was so, I’d use your daughters and sons for money rituals and then ask for forgiveness on my death bed…since no God doesn’t judge and the blood is merciful enough

Jesus came to teach DIRECTLY about his FATHER’S COMMANDMENTS…who better to know a father than HIS OWN SON!

But he was killed because he taught what would take power from the church.
What was that?

if karma is real Then reincarnation MUST be real. Ooh

You think Bihari and Tinubu and other politicians that impoverish the masses will go scot free huh?? shocked
that’s the reason some children are born as almajiri and some are born crippled…while others are born in Other countries and not Nigeria. shocked

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