We Disband FDC Party – FDC Katonga Faction Resolves

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By Abubakar Bin Siraji



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Delegates at FDC Katonga on 19th August, 2024

The Leaders of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party based at Katonga Road plot 6 in Kampala have decided to split away from the FDC party and form a new political party to further the struggle against the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) led by president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.


According to Erias Lukwago, the interim president of the Katonga faction, the decision to dissolve the FDC party was reached after the nationwide consultative meetings where different party leaders and supporters seconded the proposal of forming a new political party to end any possible relations with the leadership based in Najjanankumbi where they are not allowed to go.


“One of the resolutions delegates have made is dissolving FDC and forming a new political party. It is painful, but we were left with no other option to further the struggle. As stipulated in the party constitution, we shall have six months to initiate the process of forming the new party. We can now say bye-bye to FDC,” Lukwago said.


He, however, noted that they will not cease to be members of the FDC party until his leadership comes out to publicly declare the new party in six months.


“I thank the organizers of this conference headed by comrade Ssemujju Nganda and the delegates for extending my presidency. In the shortest time, we will be able to dissolve FDC and form a new political party. I know we are going to face challenges with the electoral commission in the process, but we shall overcome,” Lukwago said.


While addressing the members of the delegates’ conference at Katonga Road plot 6 on Monday, August 19, 2024, Dr. Kizza Besigye appealed to all change-seeking forces to unite and liberate Uganda from captivity orchestrated by the ruling regime.


“We may belong to different political formations, but we should not forget to fight against our biggest enemy, who is President Museveni and his allies. We should overcome fear because dictators are not strong enough, as you may think. Mr. Museveni is like a paper tiger. You will not know how weak he is until you kick him out of power,” Besigye said.


Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, the party spokesperson, invited the delegates to craft possible mechanisms to be adopted to secure the release of the 36 party members who are being kept in the Luzira and Kitalya prisons on charges of terrorism.


Due to internal squabbles in the FDC party, leaders from both camps, including the Najjanankumbi and Katonga, have continued holding parallel conferences to suspend one another, a cardinal proof that the battle is far from over.


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