We disagree with Mahama’s wholesale Level 100 academic fees policy – UTAG

Speaking on JoyNews’ PM Express, the President of UTAG, Professor Mahamoud Akudugu, stated, “It is good news that government wants to do this, but we at the universities are also concerned about the fact that currently, government’s funding to the universities has drastically declined to the extent that only salaries are being paid. Universities are expected to pay their own electricity, utility bills, and all the rest.”

He further explained, “For us, we believe that this policy should be targeted for equity, and besides that, we would have even preferred that this is given as bursaries and scholarships or grants to the universities to administer because they will be able to know who are the needy students based on their history.”

According to him, this initiative is part of the government’s effort to lessen the financial burden on parents funding their children’s education.

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