We can’t stop galamsey – Akyem Wenchi Chief tells Bawumia

During a visit by the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) flagbearer, Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, Daasebre Dr. Asumadu Appiah remarked, “As for the galamsey, it is not something we can stop if you tell us to stop.”

The government has implemented initiatives such as Operation Halt and Operation Galamstop in recent years in hopes of combatting illegal mining, but the practice continues to persist across major mining areas in the country.

The chief told Vice President Bawumia and the gathering that without alternative livelihoods for mining communities, stopping the practice would be challenging.

“We don’t have any job opportunities within our community; the only job here is galamsey. As for the galamsey, it is not something we can stop if you tell us to stop. So all we are asking is that you give us good policies and guidelines to do it.

“That is all we are asking from you—that you bring us those policies. You guys have said we should do community mining, so for instance, I have sent an application to the district to do it.”

“I think we haven’t gotten it right. For me, I think we should help small-scale mining, and if we can do it well, Ghana will also do well. We need a licensing regime to make it easy so that people can acquire the licence to work.”

Dr Bawumia emphasized the importance of protecting the environment and stated that his administration plans to focus on promoting community mining schemes, including the implementation of a more flexible licensing process for these activities.

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