USAG Polls: Joshua Dampare tops vetting with 93% score

In a recently published article, he addressed the issue of accommodation for students, arguing that hostel fees are too high and pose a significant challenge for the average Ghanaian student.

“The continuous escalation of hostel fees not only burdens students financially but also has detrimental effects on their academic performance, mental well-being, and overall educational experience. This alarming trend calls for immediate intervention by the government and all stakeholders to mitigate the adverse consequences it inflicts on students. One of the most immediate impacts of recurrent hostel fee hikes is the financial strain it places on students and their families under the current economic conditions in the country,” he noted in portions of the article.

Joshua Akuffo Dampare is a fifth-year medical student at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and the son of Dr George Akuffo Dampare, Ghana’s Inspector-General of Police.

It is unsurprising that his message to address hostel accommodation challenges of students resonated with them. The perpetual increase in hostel fees significantly impact students’ academic performance and mental well-being. Students under financial duress struggle to focus on their studies, as concerns about affordability and accommodation overshadow their educational pursuits. The added pressure of exorbitant hostel fees contribute to heightened stress, anxiety, and mental health issues among students, leading to a decline in academic performance and overall well-being.

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