US asks alumni to be agents of change

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The US government has asked its exchange alumni to be agents of change by promoting good governance, sustainable development, and peace in Uganda.

The US Ambassador to Uganda, Mr William Popp, said this while emphasising the importance of collaboration, leadership, and shared values during his address at the US Exchange Alumni Homecoming Reception held on September 19.

“Each of you represents the future of Uganda—dynamic, talented, and driven to make a difference. These exchange programmes are built on the foundation of partnership and mutual understanding between the United States and Uganda. They symbolise our belief in the power of education, collaboration, and the global exchange of ideas. I encourage you to share your knowledge and networks with others who have the same drive to make a difference,” he said.

The event, organised by the US Mission in Uganda, brought together alumni of several US exchange programmes, including Fulbright, Mandela Washington Fellowship, Humphrey Fellowship, among others.

Ambassador Popp also highlighted the enduring partnership between the United States and Uganda spanning more than six decades, urging the more than 6,000 alumni to promote positive change through leadership and community development. He praised the alumni’s efforts, calling them “the drivers of Uganda’s future.”

“The United States, like all other countries, has interests, but we lead with our values. That is why more than 97 percent of the nearly $1 billion dollars (about 3.7 trillion Ugandan shillings) we invest here is provided directly through non-governmental partners–and increasingly local ones–to support the health and well-being of the Ugandan people so that you can go to school, keep a job, raise your families, and participate civically in your communities and your country. We invest in people so that Ugandans can support your own growth and prosperity,” Ambassador Popp said.

He encouraged alumni to continue leveraging their US experiences to foster innovation and collaboration, both in Uganda and beyond.

Ms Hannah Arinaitwe, a US exchange programme alumna, said: “I came back with so much knowledge, skills, new ideas and modes on how to implement the activities we do to push for a better Ugandan future.”

Mr Peter Ogik, another alumnus, said through the exchange programme, his organisation was able to raise support for persons with disabilities to meet their needs.

Mr Faizo Muhumuza, the president of the US exchange alumni, said “We are part of something bigger than ourselves. We are united by our shared commitment to making a difference.”

The event also celebrated the achievements of notable alumni, including leaders in education, human rights, and climate change advocacy. Ambassador Popp reaffirmed that the alumni network remains a vital resource for creating solutions to national issues, urging them to continue their efforts toward building a more inclusive, resilient, and democratic Uganda.

“Your leadership, vision, and passion are critical to the future success of Uganda. We stand ready to support you as you continue to lead, inspire, and make an indelible impact in Uganda and beyond,” Ambassador Popp said.

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