UPDF soldier killed in Budaka hit-and-run accident


Budaka, (UG):- Authorities in eastern Uganda’s Budaka District are investigating a fatal hit-and-run accident which claimed the life of a UPDF officer at the Naboa trading centre in Budaka district.

The deceased identified as Byakatonda Alex, 28, was a resident of Sekulo village, Kadimukoli sub-county in Budaka District.

Preliminary information by the Budaka traffic police indicates that the fateful incident took place as Byakatonda was riding his Bajaj Boxer motorcycle, registration number UDK 531C, from Tirinyi towards Mbale.

“As he approached the Naboa trading centre, near Vision High Secondary School, Byakatonda reportedly attempted to dodge an unidentified pedestrian. However, this manoeuvre led to a side-on collision, causing the rider to fall onto the road,” Bukedi North Region police spokesperson, SP Samuel Semewo said in a statement.

“Tragically, Byakatonda was struck and killed instantly by a speeding Toyota Hiace vehicle with an unknown registration number. The driver of the Toyota Hiace failed to stop at the scene, fleeing the area in a callous hit-and-run incident,” he added.

“It is a devastating loss for our community. We are actively searching for the vehicle and driver involved in this tragic accident, and we urge anyone with information to come forward and assist us with our investigations.”

In addition to the fatality, a pedestrian at the scene also sustained serious injuries and was rushed to an undisclosed health facility for treatment.

The police arrived at the scene, retrieved Byakatonda’s body, and transported it to Budaka Health Center IV for a postmortem examination. A sketch plan of the accident site has been drawn, and eyewitness statements have been recorded as part of the ongoing investigation.

Byakatonda’s motorcycle was towed away to Budaka police station, awaiting inspection by the Inspectorate of Vehicles (IOV).

“We are determined to leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of the culprit responsible for this senseless act,” added SP Semewo. “Justice will be served, and we will ensure that the family of the deceased receives the support they need during this difficult time.”

The Bukedi North region traffic police have appealed to the public for any information that could aid their investigation and the apprehension of the driver involved in the hit-and-run incident.

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