UPDF Recruitment Targets Minimum S4 Certificate Holders NEWS

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The Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) has announced the relaunch of its recruitment plans for the year, targeting youths who have completed their Senor Four education between 2020 and 2023.

Applicants must have passed Mathematics and English and fall within the age range of 18 to 22 years.Brigadier-General Alex Olupot, head of Joint Staff Training and Doctrine, revealed that the UPDF aims to enlist 9,627 new recruits from across the country through this process.

“We are committed to ensuring that our recruitment process is inclusive and reaches every part of the nation,” said Brig Gen Olupot during the announcement.

He emphasised the importance of academic qualifications for potential recruits.

“We are specifically looking for individuals who have demonstrated proficiency in Mathematics and English. These subjects are crucial for the modern soldier, who needs to be both literate and numerate,” he explained.

The recruitment drive is part of the UPDF’s broader strategy to enhance its capabilities and adapt to evolving security challenges.

“Our focus is not only on physical fitness but also on intellectual capabilities. The modern battlefield requires soldiers who can think critically and communicate effectively,” Gen Olupot added.

The age requirement, set between 18 and 22 years, ensures that the recruits are physically and mentally prepared for the rigorous training and demands of military service.

“This age range allows us to develop young individuals who can serve their country with dedication and enthusiasm,” Olupot noted.

The UPDF’s recruitment process will be conducted in various regions to ensure that all eligible candidates have an equal opportunity to join the force.

The drive is expected to be highly competitive, given the strict criteria and the significant number of applicants.Gen Olupot encouraged all eligible young Ugandans to take advantage of this opportunity to serve their country.

“Joining the UPDF is a noble call to service. It offers not only a career but also a chance to contribute to the peace and security of our nation,” he stated.

The recruitment announcement comes at a time when the UPDF is enhancing its operational capabilities and readiness.

The new recruits will undergo comprehensive training to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to serve effectively.

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