UPDF Neutralizes Jie Warriors In Successful Abim District Operation


By Frank Kamuntu

The Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) successfully conducted an operation at Kailong Dam in Chamokok Sub County, Abim District, resulting in the neutralization of two Jie warriors.

The operation, executed by troops from the 85 Battalion, 507 Brigade, under the 5th Infantry Division, led to the recovery of several stolen items, including:

  1. An AK-47 sub-machine gun (serial number 19522) with three rounds of ammunition
  2. A pair of UPDF digital uniforms
  3. Gun oil

The UPDF troops ambushed a group of five Jie warriors who had stolen the bull from Agonga Village, Alekele Sub County, Abim District, and successfully neutralized two of them.

The UPDF acknowledges and appreciates the collaborative efforts of local leadership in maintaining security within the sub-region.

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