“Uganda Red Cross Society Launches ‘Humanity Needs You’ Campaign to Mark 60 Years of Service”

The Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) has launched an ambitious six-month campaign named ‘Humanity Needs You’ to celebrate its 60-year anniversary. The campaign aims to boost membership, raise awareness about blood donation, promote road safety education, provide first aid training in schools, and gather resources through an extensive media blitz.

During a press conference at the URCS headquarters in Lubaga, Kampala, Secretary General Robert Kwesiga announced that Vision Group and Nation Media Group are key partners in the campaign. He urged industry leaders and educational institutions to join in the efforts to serve humanity.

Kwesiga highlighted the various programs URCS runs to benefit Ugandans, emphasizing the organization’s independent operations despite partial government funding. He noted URCS’s historical role in responding to emergencies and crises since its establishment by an Act of Parliament in 1964 following Uganda’s accession to the Geneva Conventions.

“We call upon every Ugandan to join us in this noble mission. Join as a member, a volunteer, an ambassador, and a blood donor,” Kwesiga urged, appealing for support in any form and quantity.

The campaign will use media power to create awareness and raise resources, targeting different demographics for each segment. Kwesiga encouraged corporate entities to contribute financially or volunteer, and called on the youth to donate blood, participate in mobilization activities, champion climate change initiatives, and engage in community service.

The campaign will culminate in the launch of a comprehensive publication on URCS activities and the establishment of a Red Cross humanitarian fund. This fund, open to donations via MTN mobile money and other methods, will be managed by an international trust and audited for transparency. Kwesiga emphasized the fund’s importance in achieving self-sustainability amid declining external sponsorship due to global crises.

“With big economies facing their own challenges, such as the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, it is wise to set up a humanitarian fund largely financed by Ugandans to avoid dependency during emergencies,” he concluded.

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