“Uganda Introduces Modernized Curriculum to Equip Students with Practical Skills for the Future”

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The government launched a revised lower secondary education curriculum designed to meet the evolving needs of learners, particularly in skills training and enhancement. Education Minister Hon. Janet Museveni highlighted the urgency of this overhaul, noting the outdated nature of the previous curriculum, which had remained largely unchanged since the colonial era. Museveni emphasized that the old system failed to equip graduates with the practical skills demanded by the labor market.

The National Curriculum Development Centre has streamlined the teaching subjects for lower secondary, reducing the number from 43 to 21. Under the new curriculum, Senior One and Two students will study 12 subjects, with 11 being compulsory and one elective. By Senior Three and Four, students will complete a minimum of eight subjects, seven of which are mandatory.

Several subjects have undergone significant transformation: Music now includes dance and drama under the banner of Performing Arts, Fine Art has evolved to Art and Design by incorporating design elements, and Technical Drawing has merged with woodwork, metalwork, and technology to form Technology and Design. Additionally, History now includes Political Education, and Accounts and Commerce have been integrated into Entrepreneurship Education.

The new curriculum also introduces formative assessment, where teachers will compile learners’ achievements over four years and submit an average score to the Uganda National Examinations Board, contributing 20% to the final national examination grades. Notably, Chinese has been added to the foreign language options, and Kiswahili, Physical Education, and Entrepreneurship are now compulsory for Senior One and Two students.

Aimed at equipping learners with 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, information literacy, ICT, and flexibility, the curriculum faces implementation challenges, especially regarding the inadequate facilities in many Ugandan schools. The success of this initiative hinges on providing necessary resources like well-equipped laboratories, reliable internet, and skilled trainers—areas where many rural schools are lacking.

The State of Youth Report 2019 by the Centre for Policy Analysis revealed that the majority of young people sought more practical subjects, with over 50% stating that their education had not prepared them for the labor market. The new curriculum’s focus on practical skills aims to address these concerns, but its effectiveness will depend on actual practice in the classroom.

For meaningful change, practical subjects must be taught with hands-on methods. Teaching computer skills without computers, or woodwork without materials, renders the curriculum ineffective. Additionally, allowing students to have a say in their education can enhance engagement and relevance.

Addressing gender stereotypes in science and practical subjects, the curriculum should prioritize female students, ensuring they receive the support needed to thrive in these areas. Deliberate efforts to equip the ‘girl-child’ with practical and soft skills will help reduce socio-economic vulnerability and improve labor market participation.

The revamped curriculum represents a significant step towards modernizing Uganda’s education system, but its success will rely on overcoming implementation challenges and ensuring all students have access to the necessary resources and support.

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