Uganda Baati Celebrates 60 Years of Excellence


He acknowledged the company’s efforts in providing high-quality roofing and building solutions that have been instrumental in the construction of essential infrastructure, including homes, schools, and hospitals across the country.

Reflecting on the company’s journey, Uganda Baati CEO George Arodi highlighted the resilience and innovation that have driven the company’s growth. From its inception as Steel Works Company in Tororo in 1964, Uganda Baati has evolved into a comprehensive building solutions provider. Arodi emphasized that the company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has been the cornerstone of its success, enabling it to become a household name in Uganda.

The gala was marked by an exhibition showcasing Uganda Baati’s innovative building solutions and a display of the company’s milestones over the past 60 years. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Dr. Alan Shonubi, attributed the company’s success to continuous investment in technology and innovation. He noted that Uganda Baati’s ability to introduce cutting-edge products has been crucial in meeting the evolving needs of the construction industry.

Hon. David Bahati, Minister of State for Industry, also spoke at the event, underscoring Uganda Baati’s leadership in the industry through its customer-centric approach and dedication to quality. He commended the company’s journey as an inspiration for other businesses, demonstrating that with commitment and innovation, remarkable achievements are possible.

A highlight of the evening was the launch of the Safal Uganda Baati Foundation by Anders Lindgren, CEO of the Safal Group. The foundation aims to improve the well-being of marginalized communities through social protection and development initiatives. Lindgren expressed his enthusiasm for the foundation’s potential to amplify the socio-economic capacities of these communities, aligning with the company’s commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

The foundation’s launch is a testament to Uganda Baati’s deep-rooted commitment to sustainability, which is integrated into its operations and corporate ethos. As part of the Safal Group, Uganda Baati has made significant strides in incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into its business strategy. The company has launched numerous initiatives aimed at improving the livelihoods of Ugandans while protecting the environment.

The anniversary gala also featured an awards ceremony recognizing key stakeholders who have played a crucial role in Uganda Baati’s success. Honorees included the Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA), the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), and the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), among others. These partnerships have been instrumental in the company’s sustained growth and success over the years.

Looking to the future, Uganda Baati’s leadership expressed a clear vision for continued innovation and growth. CEO George Arodi emphasized the company’s commitment to staying ahead of market trends by expanding its product range and embracing digital transformation. The next phase of Uganda Baati’s journey will focus on deepening its market presence, enhancing customer experience, and furthering its contributions to Uganda’s development.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Alan Shonubi, Board Chairman, reiterated the company’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the construction industry. He affirmed that Uganda Baati would continue to innovate and make a lasting impact on the communities it serves, guided by the same spirit of resilience and innovation that has defined its success over the past 60 years.

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