UBL chops Pilsner Lager price


“Pilsner is one of our beloved beer brands, and this price cut enables us to extend the spirit of celebration to our customers who can now enjoy their favourite and high-quality beer at a reduced price,” Kihumuro stated.

Pilsner Lager has long been a staple in Uganda’s beer market, known for its premium quality and widespread popularity among beer enthusiasts. Over the years, the brand has not only maintained a strong presence in the market but has also contributed significantly to local business growth. The latest price reduction is expected to further bolster Pilsner’s market position by attracting more customers and supporting the overall expansion of Uganda’s beer industry.

With the new, more affordable pricing, UBL is encouraging both long-time fans and new consumers to experience the distinctive taste and craftsmanship of Pilsner Lager.

“I encourage all our customers to take advantage of this price reduction to continue enjoying this great-tasting beer,” Kihumuro added.

This move comes as part of UBL’s ongoing efforts to support local businesses and foster economic growth by providing high-quality products at prices that resonate with a broad demographic. The price cut is anticipated to increase Pilsner Lager’s market share and further strengthen the brand’s loyalty among Ugandan consumers.

As UBL continues to innovate and respond to market demands, the company reaffirms its commitment to delivering exceptional value and quality through its diverse portfolio of beverages, with Pilsner Lager remaining a flagship offering.

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