U20 WWC: Black Queens’ Nora Hauptle in Colombia to support Black Princesses

Black Queens head coach Nora Hauptle has flown to Colombia to provide technical support to the Black Princesses at the FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup.

Ghana will open their U20 Women’s World Cup campaign today (Monday, September 2, 2024) against Austria.

The Black Princesses, who are paired in Group E alongside Japan and Australia, are aiming to reach the knockout stage for the first time.

Speaking ahead of the game against Austria, Basigi expressed confidence in his team and said Hauptle’s presence was a good thing.

“I am highly motivated and I am calm because it is not every coach that will get this opportunity to be at the world stage so you utilise it well,” he told

“I have made the girls understand this might be the last for most of them or an opportunity to play for the senior team so this is a chance to justify why they should be included. The head Coach of the senior side is also in Colombia to assess some of the players which is remarkable.”

Basigi added: “The players are match-ready because this is what they have been waiting for and the time has come.

“Looking at the enthusiasm amongst the technical staff, they are also ready because the players are looking up to us and we must be match-ready since they look up to us and if we are not match-ready, it affects the players.”

Ghana’s game against Austria is scheduled at 22:00 GMT.

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