Two killed in Sanga head-on collision – The Kampala Report

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Two people have been killed and one injured in a head-on collision in Kiruhura district. ­

The accident occurred on Friday along the Mbarara-Masaka Highway in Sanga Town Council. It involved a Fuso lorry registration number UBB 905J which was from Masaka and another Fuso lorry UBG 727P loaded with Matooke heading to Mbarara.

Bosco Karimunda, an eyewitness, says that the drivers failed to negotiate a sharp corner which they approached at high speed.

Samson Kasasira, the Rwizi Region Police Spokesperson identified the dead as Mugabe Eric 48, a resident of Kyazanga in Lwengo district and Gumisiriza Abubakari, drivers of the trucks who died on the spot.

Kasasira says preliminary investigations point to reckless driving by both drivers, as the cause of the accident.

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