Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon Launches 2024 Kit

UBL boss unveils the marathon kit alongside one of sponsors


The third edition of the highly anticipated Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon kit for 2024 was on August 14 , 2024, officially launched.


Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL) Commercial Director, Emmy Hashakimana officially unveiled the kit alongside other key stakeholders and sponsors who graced the event that was held at Uganda Breweries Limited headquarters in Luzira in Kampala city.


Amos Wekesa unveils one of the official kits
Amos Wekesa unveils one of the official kits

The newly unveiled kits combine both functionality and style tailored to enhance the performance of every participant who will race on August 24th. This year’s Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon kit features a dual-colour scheme: a blue shirt for the 21km race and a green shirt for the 5km, 10km, and 42km races.


The colour distinction is meant to aid race logistics, allowing organizers and marshals to easily identify runners and guide them on their race route considering that there are some points that will be overlapping along the route. In addition to the runners’ shirts, this year’s kit also includes a new drawstring bag, complementing the water bottle and waist bag.


“As we unveil this year’s kit, I must say, I am proud of the incredible milestones the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon has attained in a few years. The marathon was recently certified by World Athletics, stamping it as a truly global event.  We are excited about the global attention this marathon is attracting and we look forward to welcoming runners from all over the world,” said Hashakimana.


“We have been deliberate about producing kits that are fully functional and up-to-standard, so, whichever distance a participant decides to take on, they can expect comfort throughout the race,” he added.


With runners from over 30 countries registered, the marathon continues to gain international recognition and organisers have aspirations to reach the standards of iconic global races. The Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon has the unique advantage of being among the most picturesque races with runners going through a national park, crossing the equator and soaking in the breath-taking views of the majestic Rwenzori Mountain Ranges.


Amos Wekesa, the Director of Equator Hikes, the visionary behind the marathon, expressed his excitement about the upcoming event stating that : “We are thrilled to see the growing enthusiasm both locally and globally for this marathon. Undoubtedly the goal for the future is to continue to position this marathon alongside some of the world’s greatest races and we are well on our way.”


NB.The marathon started in 2022 with a goal of showcasing Uganda’s tourism, promoting a healthy lifestyle, highlighting climate change and economically empowering the local Kasese community, the achievements of the marathon are visible and this is stamped by the continued commitment of various sponsors to make the event bigger and better every year.


Tusker Lite is a brand famed for throwing some of Uganda’s most epic parties in the form of neon raves. Following the marathon, participants will have the opportunity to celebrate conquering the Rwenzori terrain and unwind at the Tusker Lite Neon Rave on race day evening. The after-party will feature performances, with Vinka headlining the event, alongside other talented acts. The brand will also promote local Kasese talent who will be given an opportunity to perform at the rave. 

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