Troubled PS Ssali finally dismissed as Museveni rewards star PSs with new contracts – The Kampala Report

PS Ssali

PS Ssali

KAMPALA – President Museveni this week announced significant changes in the top civil service positions of Permanent Secretary.

The President sealed the fate of beleaguered Trade Permanent Secretary Geraldine Ssali, who has now been replaced by Lynette Bagonza, sought to have very good public service experience to dive into the hot heat.

President Museveni also fired Education PS Ketty Lamaro, over undisclosed performance issues though no replacement is yet to b3 announced. It is understood NRM head of elections Dr. Tanga Odoi is being vetted for the role.

At the trade docket, Ms Bagonza, who has served as Under Secretary for 14 years, replaces Geraldine Ssali who was recently charged in the Anti-Corruption Court. Ssali has had a controversial career in the Ugandan civil service having left her deputy Managing Director job at the National Social Security Fund under a cloud, but somehow, worked her way using her political godfathers to get the PS job.

Ms Ssali has now been completely sacked by President Museveni, the appointing authority, after she was on July 18, 2024, charged with causing financial loss and allegedly colluding with Members of Parliament to embezzle cooperative societies’ funds. She was remanded to Luzira prison.

A report by the Parliament’s Committee on Trade submitted to the House last year accused Ms Ssali and other top officials of financial impropriety in the management of the compensation funds for cooperatives.

Particularly, the report indicated that Ms Ssali’s husband, Mr Victor Busuulwa, irregularly received some of the money advanced to a cooperative on behalf of his wife.

In addition to the changes, President Museveni has reappointed eight other Permanent Secretaries for another three years.

Gen. David Kasura Kyomukama will continue wto serve as PS for the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, while Gen. Joseph Musanyufu will remain PS for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Ms Jane Barekye will also continue as State House Comptroller, and Dr. Amina Zawedde will remain PS for the Ministry of ICT.

Ms. Irene Batebe will continue to serve as PS for the Ministry of Energy, and Dr. Ramathan Goobi will remain PS for the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Adolf Mwesige has also been reappointed as Clerk to Parliament.

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