Trouble at NSSF as top Manager threatens to resign over minister’s continued money requests

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A topmanager at the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has threatened to resign if not transferred from the current position he holds over the continued harassment by a top minister who oversees the fund.

Eagle Online has learnt that the fund’s Chief Financial Officer Mr Stevens Mwanje has boldly told the leadership of the fund to either transfer him to procurement department or resign because he cannot withstand the over demanding minister whose latest request was in over Shs400 million disgusted as mobilization fund.

“Mr Mwanje might be on his way out but he has stood his ground, he can’t be intimidated. There is a leadership crisis as the top managers have given in to all the demands of this minister. Imagine demanding for Shs400 million, how is he going to account for this money? And this isn’t the first time such monies are being paid to this minister” a source told Eagle Online on conditions of anonymity.

This website that fund’s Managing Director Patrick Ayota has literally given in to whichever request is made by the said minister as of recent, she ordered Ayota to create a department in charge business enterprises which oversees informal sector including voluntary scheme.

The said minister allocated woman is Ms Penniah Kabagambe who sources say didn’t merit the position but was rewarded for spying on former Managing Director Richard Byarugaba for the said minister.

Efforts to get a comment from the public relations department were futile as both Barbara Arimi and Victor Karamagi didn’t answer their calls.

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