Troops urged to maintain vigilance during disarmament operation in Karamoja Sub-region

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Major General Don William Nabasa, Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF), has urged troops to maintain vigilance and avoid complacency in the consolidation phase of the disarmament operation in the Karamoja Sub-region.

During field barazas, Maj Gen Nabasa provided tactical guidance on assessing combat capabilities and troop welfare at forward operating units of the 403 and 405 Infantry Brigades.

He emphasized the importance of remaining vigilant, combat-ready, and patriotic to consolidate the relative peace achieved through hard work.

 Maj Gen Nabasa noted that previous disarmament phases have provided valuable lessons for commanders to enhance ongoing operations and avoid setbacks. He commended troops and field commanders for maintaining a strategic relationship with the local population, who are the primary consumers of national security services.

The Division Commander encouraged troops to prioritize force protection, maintain healthy living habits, and avoid promiscuity. He also advised troops to cultivate a good savings culture, utilise loans wisely, and invest in viable projects to achieve financial liberation.

Brig Gen Wilberforce Sserunkuma, Deputy Division Commander, urged troops to continue following the revolutionary path and practice endurance, discipline, patience, and commitment. He advised young soldiers to remain focused and work hard as they prepare for future leadership tasks.

The five-day field baraza was attended by senior officers, including Col Richard Obura Kidega, the 403 Brigade commander; Col David Byaruhanga,the 405 Brigade Commander; Col Juddy Rukubya, the 1 Usalama Brigade Commander, and key staff officers of the Division and Brigade headquarters.

The UPDF’s focus on a comprehensive approach includes engaging local communities, promoting dialogue, and ensuring that development initiatives accompany the disarmament process to create long-term peace and economic opportunities for the region.

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