Tooro coronation gets Shs 100 Million UBL boost


The contribution was announced during a meeting attended by King Oyo, UBL Managing Director Andrew Kilonzo, Tooro Kingdom’s Minister of Culture Hon Peter Sunday, and other representatives from both the Tooro Kingdom and UBL.

The meeting underscored the collaboration between the brewery and the kingdom, focusing on cultural heritage and community development.

During the gathering, Andrew Kilonzo congratulated King Oyo on reaching this significant milestone. He expressed UBL’s pride in being associated with Tooro’s rich cultural heritage and highlighted the company’s commitment to supporting and celebrating Uganda’s diverse traditions.

“Uganda Breweries, which only last month celebrated its 78th anniversary, is proud to be associated with such an incredible heritage. This celebration is a testament to the spirit of resilience from which the strongest dynasties have thrived, and we are honoured to have been included in your progressive journey over the years,” Kilonzo stated.

Kilonzo also spoke about UBL’s longstanding partnership with farmers in the Tooro Kingdom, who supply the company with essential raw materials like barley, sorghum, and maize. These ingredients are used in the production of popular brands, including Pilsner Lager. He emphasised UBL’s commitment to supporting local agriculture and improving the livelihoods of farmers in the region.

In one year alone, we source over 1,000 tonnes of barley, 1,500 tonnes of sorghum, and 5,000 tonnes of maize from more than 2,000 farmers in Kamwenge, Kabarole, and Bundibugyo. We pay over 8.7 billion shillings to these farmers, and we remain committed to supporting both the Kingdom’s and the government’s efforts to enhance agricultural productivity. In the coming years, we plan to double our sourcing of barley from this region to 2,000 tonnes and increase maize sourcing by 15% to over 6,000 tonnes,” Kilonzo added.

The 29th Coronation Anniversary of Omukama Oyo is expected to be a grand celebration, featuring various cultural displays, rituals, and festivities that honour the history and resilience of the Tooro Kingdom. Edgar Kihumuro, Brand Manager of Pilsner Lager, reiterated the brand’s dedication to celebrating Uganda’s cultural heritage.

We are always proud to be part of the celebrations that highlight the rich traditions of the Tooro people. This contribution is a testament to our dedication to supporting and preserving Uganda’s cultural heritage,” Kihumuro said.

The contribution from Pilsner Lager is set to play a vital role in ensuring the success of the Empango celebrations, reinforcing the strong ties between the brand and the Tooro Kingdom.

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