
TikTok Comedian Mikey Seems 2 Funny Calls Out Former Partner Puma for Jealousy and Betrayal

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In a dramatic turn of events, popular TikTok comedian Mikey Seems 2 Funny has taken to social media to express his deep frustration and disappointment with his former comedy partner and close friend, Puma. The comedian, known for his hilarious skits and vibrant personality on TikTok, did not hold back as he accused Puma of jealousy, betrayal, and undermining their friendship.

For those familiar with Mikey Seems 2 Funny’s content, Puma has been a frequent presence in his videos, often seen alongside Mikey as they shared everything from jokes to meals. Their camaraderie seemed unbreakable—until now. According to Mikey, the bond they once shared has been shattered after he discovered that Puma, someone he considered a close friend, had been secretly working against him.

In a candid live video, Mikey vented his frustrations to his followers, recounting the many ways he had supported Puma over the years. He revealed that he had gone out of his way to help Puma, providing him with essentials like shoes, money, and food. However, Mikey claims that Puma repaid his kindness with accusations that Mikey’s wife had tried to poison him.

“Anyone who has never helped a person will not understand my pain. I helped a beggar for two years. I gave him shoes off my feet, money, I fed him and gave him everything, but he woke up one morning and said my wife wanted to poison him,” Mikey said, clearly emotional as he addressed those who were downplaying his feelings.

Mikey Seems 2 Funny

Mikey’s friends, including Ronnie, joined the live video in support, recalling instances where Puma had benefited from Mikey’s generosity. Ronnie recounted a time when Puma was seen with an expensive item, which he later admitted was a gift from Mikey.

The situation took an even darker turn as Mikey accused Puma of mimicking him in both personal and professional aspects. He claimed that Puma not only copied his behavior but also began accepting gigs while pretending to be him.

“Do you remember when you told me that he was mimicking me? I thought he just loved me so much, yet he just wanted to be like me and have everything that I have,” Mikey explained. “Yes, we all have people we admire, but in life, if you ever come across a person that wants to be like you, he can easily poison and kill you.”

Mikey also alleged that Puma took advantage of his celebrity status by hitting on girls who were initially interested in Mikey. He accused Puma of trying to steal his identity, even going so far as to use Mikey’s real name and claim he was the bigger star of the duo.

The final straw, according to Mikey, was when Puma spread rumors that Mikey had locked him out of the house to spend the night in a car, supposedly so Mikey could have privacy with his woman. Mikey, clearly heartbroken, expressed his pain over Puma’s actions, stating that despite his efforts to help, Puma had always harbored resentment and worked to bring him down.

“He tells people that I’m a terrible person. I have many sugar mummies. I have always been there for him; I’m the one person who stopped him from slaving away in Dubai and housed him,” Mikey said.

The fallout between Mikey Seems 2 Funny and Puma has left fans shocked, as the duo was once inseparable. As the story continues to unfold, the comedy world is left wondering what the future holds for both comedians and whether their friendship can ever be repaired.

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