Thousands displaced as M23 rebels, DRC forces clash in Kitchanga – The Kampala Report

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Fierce clashes erupted between the March 23 Movement (M23) rebels and government forces, including the coalition group Wazalendo (Patriots), in Kitchanga, Rutshuru territory on Wednesday. The fighting has led to a significant displacement of civilians.

According to reliable sources, Wazalendo fighters launched an assault on M23 positions in Kitchanga, targeting Kizimba and Rubona villages. The violence quickly spread to neighboring areas in the Bishusha groupement.

Lawrence Kanyuka, the M23 Spokesperson, condemned the attacks by government forces and the coalition, which have been ongoing since early this week on multiple fronts. The violence has not been confined to Kitchanga; on Tuesday, clashes were reported in Katale, Kaniro, and surrounding villages in Masisi territory.

Previous incidents of fighting occurred on Sunday in Nyamitabo and its vicinity, and on Monday morning, gunfire was reported in Muheto, Kanzenze, and Kanyatsi in the Bashali Kaembe Chiefdom, all within the same territory. The Wazalendo forces are commanded by General Gentil Tuungane.

The conflict between M23 and the Congolese government began in March 2022, led by Bertrand Bisimwa and Emmanuel Sultan Makenga. Since then, the M23/AFC has captured and controlled large areas in Rutshuru, Masisi, Nyiragongo, and Lubero territories in North Kivu province.

The DR Congo government has repeatedly accused Rwanda of supporting the M23, a claim both Rwanda and the M23 deny. The rebels argue that their struggle is against corruption, xenophobia, and discrimination within the DR Congo’s leadership.

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