Third fool is a fool — Mahama advises Ghanaians not to be deceived by NPP again

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama has urged Ghanaians not to be deceived by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) as the country approaches the December 7 general elections.

His critique centred on what he described as the NPP’s failure to deliver on their immense promises to improve the economy and living conditions for Ghanaians.

He highlighted issues such as high unemployment rates, rising cost of living, and inadequate infrastructure development as evidence of the current administration’s shortcomings.

They say the first fool, is not a fool, the second fool is not a fool, who is the third fool? The third fool is the real fool. They said one child, one egg, one child one chocolate, all are lies,” he said at a community engagement in Juapong in the Volta Region.

Mahama added that Ghana needs an experienced hand who has handled this country before and whose work we have seen. And so we are not going to try anybody.

We are going back to experience, we are going back to expertise to turn our country around so that our youth can have a brighter future,” he added.

Mahama called on Ghanaians to remain vigilant and united in their quest for a better future.

He encouraged citizens to scrutinise the NPP’s track record critically and to question the authenticity of their promises.

As the election draws near, Mahama’s message resonates with many Ghanaians who are eager for change and disillusioned by the current administration.

His call to action serves as a reminder of the power of the electorate and the importance of making informed decisions at the polls.

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