
The Singlehood Series: A WhatsApp Status Ended My Relationship

Man holding phone

I wonder why life is so unfair, sometimes. Just when you think you have struck gold, it turns out to be coal. I thought that I had hit the jackpot when I managed to convince Ashley to give me her number. It wasn’t easy. The girl has a resting bitch face that can intimidate even the most confident man. However, I’m not one to be intimidated easily. From the moment I saw her, I was determined to get her number. I had even started picturing how I’d use her photos as my WhatsApp background.

I watched her as she boarded the bus, sat by the window seat and took out her phone. Her beauty was like no other. It was enchanting. I could stand at that bus stop and watch her the whole night.

“Boss, unaenda (are you going)?” The tout asked which snapped me back to reality.

Without answering, I boarded the bus and sat next to Ashley. She didn’t look up from her phone so I decided to bother her a little bit.

“Could you open the window?” I asked.

She finally looked up but it wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for. She looked angry, as if I had asked her to do something difficult. After staring me down for a few seconds, she reached for the window and opened it.

“Thanks.” I said. Again, she didn’t say anything.

We were quiet for a while then I thought of something else that would spark a conversation.

“Will this bus ever get full?”

She cracked a smile but didn’t respond.

“We’ll be here the whole night.”

“I think so.” She finally responded and I nearly screamed in excitement.

We didn’t talk much after that but at least I knew she was friendly. When I was almost alighting, I removed my phone and typed:

“Sorry, I was unable to ask in person but can I have your number?”

She burst out laughing after reading the message. I laughed nervously hoping she wouldn’t embarrass me in front of the other passengers and most importantly, she would give me her number.

“Why didn’t you ask in person?” She asked, still laughing.

“I don’t know. I just couldn’t.”

“You’ve made my night.” She said as she typed her number.

“Thanks so much. I’ll text you later.”

“Okay. Bye.” She said as she got up.

I texted her that same night and we made plans to meet the following day.

She showed up looking better than I remembered. She wore a simple white T-shirt and blue mom jeans with sneakers but there was something about the way she did her makeup and hair that made her look so good.

I felt intimidated but I remembered her warm smile which calmed me down.

“Hey. You look good.” I said as we hugged then her irresistible scent hit me.

I shamelessly sniffed her and complimented her scent. She looked a bit uncomfortable but I knew how to lighten up the mood.

“I’m obsessed with the way you smell already.”

She laughed while I was still holding her then pulled away and sat down. I couldn’t wait to pick her brain. She seemed like she had the most interesting outlook on life and I wanted to hear all about it. I wasn’t wrong.

We started chatting and got to know each other then when she got more comfortable, Ashley started talking about her love for true crime documentaries. She explained all her favourites from begin to end and I simply listened in awe.

After our amazing date, I invited her to my place which she declined.

“It’s too soon for me to come to your place.” She said.

I expected her to say no so I didn’t feel too bad about it but I looked forward to the day she would visit me.

It seemed like the universe was really on my side because as soon as Ashley got to her place, she called me.

“Hey, do you still want me to come over?” She asked.

“Of course.”

“Okay. I’ll let you know when I’m at your stage.”

“Okay. I’m even leaving the house right now. You’ll find me waiting for you.”

Thirty minutes later, I spotted Ashley alighting  from a bus and looking around for me.

“Here I am.” I said, trying to sneak up on her.

She looked uneasy because of the congestion but when she saw me, her face lit up. We walked to my place as we talked about what we were going to do.

“Which movies do you have?” She asked.

“I want to watch one of those true crime documentaries you like.” I said.

“Really? They can be a bit depressing.”

“Don’t worry. I can lighten up any situation.”

We didn’t even watch the documentary when we got to my place. I put on a music playlist and before I realized, Ashley was on top of me. She ended up spending the night and the following day, I escorted her to her place.

“I had fun.” She said with the biggest smile on her face.

“Me too. I’ll see you when I leave work.”

We would visit each other regularly and soon enough, we were both head over heels in love. I couldn’t believe that a girl like Ashley could fall in love with me but she showed me that her feelings were genuine.

Our relationship became serious within a short time that I didn’t have time to plan things out and Ashley was starting to complain.

“I feel like I put in more effort in this relationship.” She said.

“Really? Why?”

“I go out of my way to make you happy and you don’t reciprocate.”

“You know I would give everything I have to you if it would make you happy.”

“Why don’t you post me on your WhatsApp?”

“WhatsApp?” I repeated.

“Yes!” She yelled.

“That’s my business account.”

“I don’t care. I want you to post me.”

“Okay. I’ll post you tomorrow.”

“If you don’t, this relationship is over.”

“Okay, babe.”

The following day happened to be Girlfriends Day so Ashley really wanted me to post her on my WhatsApp status. I was hesitant because my WhatsApp was full of thirsty guys and if I posted her, I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

Since I couldn’t convince Ashley otherwise, I decided to make a funny post. I posted her first wishing her a Happy Girlfriends Day then I posted three other girls also wishing them a Happy Girlfriends Day.

As soon as Ashley saw the post, she called me.

“How could you do that? Who are those? How many girlfriends do you have?” She asked angrily.

Instead of explaining why I posted them, I continued to joke about it.

“10 girlfriends.” I answered and laughed.

“You’re a loser. I don’t even know why I’m with you. Do you think you’re the best option I have?” She asked.

When I noticed that Ashley didn’t find the post funny, I tried to explain to her why I did it. However, it was too late. She had made up her mind that she wanted to break up with and whatever I said didn’t make a difference.

After arguing for an hour, I finally accepted that I had made a mistake and it had cost me my dream girl. She blocked my number and my social media accounts so there was no way I could contact her. I wanted to go to her place but I thought it would only make the situation worse.

I decided to give her some space hoping that she would miss me and give me another chance but it never happened. Ashley never reached out and that’s how our relationship ended.

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