Tanzanian Madina takes two-shot lead at UGC Ladies Open


Iddy Hussein Madina of Tanzania seized the lead on Day One of the Uganda Golf Club Ladies Open at the par-72 UGC Kitante course, setting the pace with six-over 78.

Madina’s impressive performance gave her a two-shot lead over her closest competitors with two rounds to play. The event serves as a build-up to the highly anticipated Uganda Open, with participants showcasing their skills in preparation for the larger stage.

Madina, known for her consistent play, emerged as the leader among a field of talented golfers, thanks to her ability to handle the challenging conditions on the course. “What was special about today was that I started the round below 80 gross,” Madina said, expressing her satisfaction with her performance. “I’m pleased about it.”

Madina’s round included nine pars and six bogeys, reflecting her steady hand on a day when the course conditions tested even the most seasoned players. “The course was playing a bit tough on the greens as they were too fast compared to last year,” she noted. “But I’m glad it has rained; it will play better.”

Close on Madina’s heels are Uganda’s Judith Komugisha and Peace Kabasweka, both tied for second place with identical scores of 80. Meron Kyomugisha and Martha Babirye, both from Uganda -too, are tied in fourth place, each having posted 10-over 82. They are followed by Tanzania’s Aalaa Riyaz Somji, who sits in sixth place with a return of 83.

The top 10 is rounded out by Lillian Koowe of Uganda in seventh place with 84 (+12), and Harriet Kitaka and Gloria Mbaguta, are eighth after carding 85 (+13). Resty Nalutaaya and Sheila Kesiime complete the top 10, tied at 87 (+15).

As the players look ahead to the remaining rounds, Madina plans to continue her preparations in Entebbe. “I will be playing nine holes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as well as working on my game,” she mentioned, emphasizing the importance of fine-tuning her skills ahead of the Uganda Ladies Open.

The Uganda Golf Club Ladies Open not only serves as a competitive platform for the participants but also as an opportunity for players to assess their game and build momentum leading into the Uganda Open. All eyes will be on Madina to see if she can maintain her lead and fend off challenges from the strong field of competitors.


1.Iddy H. Madina              Tanzania              78           +6

T2.Judith Komugisha       Uganda                80           +8

T2.Peace Kabasweka       Uganda                80           +8

T4.Meron Kyomugisha    Uganda                82           +10

T4.Martha Babirye           Uganda                82           +10

6. Aalaa Riyaz Somji         Tanzania              83           +11

7.Lillian Koowe                 Uganda                84           +12

T8.Harriet Kitaka              Uganda                85           +13

T8. Gloria Mbaguta          Uganda                85           +13

T10.Resty Nalutaaya       Uganda                87           +15

T10.Sheila Kesiime           Uganda                87           +15

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