Tan Distributors Contributes to Umukuka III Royal Anniversary Dinner 2024

IMG 20240730 WA0019

By Markson Omagor




Tan Distributors has today 30th July, 2024 contributed towards the successful celebration of Umukuka III Royal Anniversary Dinner 2024.


Handing over a hefty cash package to the Umukuka III, His Royal Highness Jude Mike Mudoma at the Bamasaba Cultural Institution offices at Malukhu, Industrial City Division, Mr. Bharat Hathi, the Regional Executive Director said Tan Group will offer more help towards the event.


Mr. Bharat, who represented Hon. Sanjay Tana, the Managing Director, Tan Group of Companies said they are happy to associate with Inzu ya Masaba Cultural Institution because of the important role it plays in social cohesion.


He promised that Tan Distributors will also contribute towards plumbing works required at Mutoto Cultural Site ahead of the official launch of Imbalu on the 3rd August, 2024.

Tan Distributors is the major distributor of Nile breweries, Coca Cola and MTN  in Eastern and North Eastern Uganda, including Karamoja sub region.

The Umukuka III Royal Anniversary Dinner 2024 is slated for 1st August, 2024 at Elgon Hotel, Mbale City with a number of Cultural leaders/Kings from other African countries expected to grace the occasion.


Umukuka III, His Royal Highness Jude Mike Mudoma was elected the Inzu ya Masaba Cultural Institution in 2023 after a lengthy battle with John Amuram Wagabyalile.


His Royal Highness Mudoma was finally gazzetted as Inzu ya Masaba Cultural Institution leader on 1st August 2023 bringing a three year standoff to an end with the swearing in following on the 4th August, 2023.


Tan Distributors joins Government of Uganda, Office of the President, GRO Foundation, Equity Bank, Nile Breweries, and Pepsi Cola in celebrating the anniversary under the theme, “Honoring Heritage, Embracing Prosperity and Inspiring Economic Transformation.”


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