Tamale Mirundi’s family shares his last promises, regrets

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The family and relatives of Joseph Tamale Mirundi, who passed away on Tuesday, have revealed that the deceased had vowed to turn his life around after recovering from his illness.

Mr John Ssali, Mirundi’s elder brother, shared that while on his deathbed, Mirundi promised him that he would stop drinking alcohol once he regained his health.

“You have been telling me to stop drinking. I have also stopped. I’ve been in school, learned my lessons, and I plan to practice what I’ve studied. I shook his hand and told him, ‘If you had accepted this advice at the start, you wouldn’t have reached this level.’ I left the hospital feeling hopeful,” Mr Ssali said.

Last year, Mirundi had stated that doctors had advised him to quit drinking. However, after regaining his health, he resumed alcohol consumption.

Excessive alcohol intake can severely impact the liver and lead to heart and kidney diseases.
Mr Ssali noted that Mirundi’s health had improved, and he expected his brother to be discharged on Monday, but unfortunately, his condition deteriorated.

Mr Ssali expressed regret over Mirundi’s past attacks against various individuals and institutions, pledging to apologize on his brother’s behalf.

“Dead people don’t talk; the living speak for them. I promised to reach out to anyone Tamale may have offended to ask for their forgiveness. Many people are in pain and angry due to Mirundi’s remarks. I haven’t seen a condolence message from Mengo (Buganda Kingdom), and I’m ready to meet the Katikkiro to discuss this,” Mr Ssali said.

He mentioned that Mirundi often joked in life and that many of his comments were not meant to be taken seriously. He cited a statement Mirundi made, declaring that his body should never be taken to church for a mass. Mr Ssali clarified that this statement was misunderstood and not true.

The priest of Bunamwaya Catholic Church consulted with superiors on whether to pray for Mirundi’s body, and they ultimately agreed to do so.

While serving as the president’s press secretary, Mirundi often criticised Catholic Church leaders, accusing them of corruption and 
unprofessionalism. He openly stated that he believed in traditional religion and did not attend church, expressing no regrets about it.
Mr John Tamale Mirundi (JT Mirundi), the eldest son of Mirundi, said that while his father was not a regular churchgoer, he was dedicated to church activities and financially supported the priests at their local parish.

“Mzee was very religious in his own way. He promised to cover the transport costs for the priests at our sub-parish. He often gave me that money to pass on,” Mr JT Mirundi said. “The priests know him better than anyone else. Don’t judge them; let God be the judge.”

“Mzee told me that once he healed, he would return to church, which has now happened,” Mr JT Mirundi added. “It’s unfortunate that my father didn’t enter the church while he was alive. We have brought him to church now that he has passed.”
Mirundi’s daughter, Ms Teddy Nantongo, recalled that her father used to attend church at Lufuka in Makindye Division before entering politics.

“When he joined politics, he said, ‘In politics, we lie. I can’t lie to people and then go lie to God.’ He told me he would return to church when he turned 70, when he wouldn’t be lying anymore,” Ms Nantongo said.
The Minister for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs, Ms Minsa Kabanda, who represented the Minister for the Presidency, described Mirundi as a hardworking individual.

While alive, Mirundi had requested that no government representatives attend his burial. However, several dignitaries, including the Inspector General of Government, Beti Kamya, and the Executive Director of the Uganda Communication Commission, Nyombi Thembo, were present at the mass.

Since his dismissal from the State House in 2015, Mirundi had publicly criticized State House employees on various platforms, stating he would never reconcile with them, whether alive or dead, or return to the State House.

Mr JT Mirundi and his uncle, Mr John Ssali, stated that at the time of his death, Mirundi had agreed to go back to President Museveni and accept any position offered to him.

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