Tamale Mirundi family insists on postmortem

In a recorded phone conversation shortly before his death, the 59-year-old veteran journalist detailed how doctors drained large amounts of fluid from his lungs.

His family, however, says to put any speculations to rest, they decided to carry out a post-mortem on his body.

He talked a lot about poison,” said Mirundi’s brother, one Ssali.

“He was always concerned about being in danger, which is why the family said we should rule out any foul play.”

Ssali and the rest of the family were engaged in an early morning meeting on Wednesday, where these matters, as well as the funeral program and budget, were discussed.

Mr Tamale, in his prominent media interviews often talked about some people being after his life.

According to Hon Betty Namboozi, Mirundi was one of the people who first talked public about the “mafia” running key sections of the government.

At one point, Mirundi said he moved around with a hammer to protect himself from enemies.

Following the news of his passing, many celebrities and leaders took to social media to pay tribute to the outspoken commentator.

Mirundi will be laid to rest at his ancestral home in Kalisizo on Sunday.

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