Suspected sex worker found dead after being locked in Buikwe lodge

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A Police inquest is underway in Buikwe District into the mysterious death of a suspected sex worker at Brandon Bar and Guest House in Kyabagu Village, Namwezi Zone, Njeru municipality, on Wednesday morning.
The bar and guest house belong to one Brian Balanyeki who is on remand at Bugungu Prisons and the business is now being run by his wife, Rachael Kugumikiriza, who is on the run following the incident.
Ssezibwa Region Police Spokesperson, Hellen Butoto, identified the deceased as 45-year-old Rachael Naigaga. 
“The deceased left her husband and kids home on Tuesday at around 8pm, and headed to the bar,” Ms Butoto said in a brief interview on Wednesday.
She added: “Preliminary investigations suggest that at around midnight on Wednesday, the deceased got a client and they checked into the guest house; however, the said client locked her in the room and went with the keys within hours.”
It was later in the (Wednesday) morning that one of the sex workers informed the bar owner’s mother to check on the occupants of the room which had been locked from outside that they found Naigaga lying dead on the bed and called Police.
The councilor representing Namwezi, Phillip Musasizi, said the deceased had left her brother’s vigil to come and “work”, but it was “unfortunate” that her family had lost two people around the same time.
Kyabagu Village LCI chairman, Abdallah Majid Mwebagambi, decried the rampant criminality in the area and urged Police to up its ante in its pursuit of Nagaiga’s killer and other felons prowling the area.

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