Supplier clarifies on Uganda number plate shortage


He noted that the temporary shortage experienced was due to delays in the government’s rollout of new digital number plates, rather than any internal inefficiencies.

The supply has resumed,” Ssekyanzi stated, adding that GM Tumpeco and ABC Limited have reliably met demand for number plates for the past 24 years.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to serving our clients with reliability and consistency,” he assured.

Ssekyanzi clarified that the delays were caused by the repeated postponement of the digital number plates launch. He explained that GM Tumpeco’s short-term contracts with the Ministry of Works were intended to align with this transition. However, the multiple extensions of the launch date created supply chain uncertainties, leading to the recent shortage.

Jyoti Puri, General Manager of ABC Limited, echoed these remarks and emphasised that the companies have worked closely with the Ministry of Works and Transport throughout the process. She reassured the public that both companies remain fully capable of meeting the demand for number plates once long-term contracts are in place.

As a company, we have always worked closely with the Ministry to ensure the availability of number plates for Ugandans,” Puri stated. “We are ready to provide uninterrupted service as soon as long-term contracts are secured.”

Puri reiterated ABC Limited’s dedication to maintaining high service standards and called for longer-term contracts to avoid future supply disruptions. She also reassured Ugandans that both companies are committed to delivering quality products and upholding the trust they have built over the years.

Both Ssekyanzi and Puri stressed the need for a more stable production cycle in alignment with government timelines to prevent future supply gaps. They urged the government to provide clarity on the launch of the digital number plates to allow for better planning across the sector.

In closing, GM Tumpeco and ABC Limited reaffirmed their dedication to providing consistent and reliable service, assuring Ugandans that they have the capacity to continue supplying vehicle number plates as they have done for over two decades.

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