Students called to tap opportunities in insurance industry


“Your peers should not mislead you to abandon a course that might be of great importance,” Baruhara advised, highlighting the limited job prospects in fields like social sciences compared to the ever-present demand for insurance professionals. He pointed out that insurance can be a part of everyone’s life and even serve as a profitable side gig.

Baruhara also paid tribute to the late Ssebana Kizito, celebrating his efforts in democratising Uganda by advocating for the use of intellect over violence. Kizito was credited with reviving the insurance industry in Uganda following its collapse during the Amin regime, through his founding of SWICO, the country’s first indigenous insurance company.

Saul Sseremba, the CEO and Principal of ITC, reiterated the significance of the lecture in honouring Ssebana Kizito’s legacy. He noted that Kizito was instrumental in establishing ITC and was a pioneer in the insurance industry. Sseremba emphasised the event’s focus on engaging students, encouraging them to see insurance as a viable and rewarding career path.

We want them to think of insurance as a plausible career for them,” Sseremba stated, emphasising the importance of attracting young talent to ensure the industry’s future growth.

Jonan Kisakye, CEO of the Uganda Insurers Association, delivered the keynote address, shedding light on the critical role of insurance in the economy. He noted that Ugandan commercial banks have seen substantial profits from their involvement in insurance, underlining the sector’s importance in providing financial security and supporting business resilience. Kisakye highlighted the diverse career opportunities available in the industry, including data analysis, social media marketing, and specialised fields like actuarial science, aviation, and cyber insurance.

“Businesses would never be able to take the risks they do without insurance,” Kisakye explained, urging students to explore the various career paths the industry offers.

Evelyn Nkalubo Muwemba, CEO of SWICO, encouraged students to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them. She noted that entering the insurance industry could be as straightforward as registering as an agent, making it accessible even as a side hustle. Muwemba’s message was clear: students have all it takes to succeed in the insurance sector.

Vincent Kakembo, Vice Chancellor of Mutesa I Royal University, reflected on Ssebana Kizito’s contributions to Uganda’s insurance industry. He recalled Kizito’s pivotal role in founding SWICO in 1982, helping to revive an industry that had been nearly destroyed during the Amin era. Kakembo expressed pride in hosting the memorial lecture, recognising the enduring impact of Kizito’s work on Uganda’s financial landscape.

The 7th Ssebana Kizito Memorial Lecture highlighted the immense potential within Uganda’s insurance industry, inspiring students to seize the opportunities available and contribute to the sector’s continued growth and success.

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