Stephen Appiah: It’s national disgrace for Black Stars to play home games outside Ghana

The deplorable state of the stadium came under the spotlight following the Black Stars’ AFCON qualifier against Angola last Thursday.

Otto Addo’s side lost 1-0 to the Palancas Negras in their opening qualifying game, with many attributing the defeat to the deplorable state of the pitch.

Reacting to this, Appiah, who played 67 times for the Black Stars and captained them to their first-ever World Cup in 2006, has described the situation as embarrassing.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), the 43-year-old called on authorities to protect the pride of the game by ensuring the national team never plays its home matches abroad.

“Playing a qualifier outside Ghana, except in a tournament, is a national embarrassment. We must prioritise hosting our own games and protect our football pride,” Appiah wrote.

Meanwhile, the Sports Ministry has directed the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to ask CAF to inspect the University of Ghana Stadium and the Accra Sports Stadium for possible approval as venues for the Black Stars’ next home game.

Ghana will face Sudan in a double-header AFCON qualifier in early October.

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