State House Gives Hybrid Goats to Katakwi Livestock Farmers

Abolot village Farmers scaled e1725960629484

By Reporter



There was joy and praises after State House, in cooperation with the Vice President, has restored the hopes of Katakwi farmers by distributing 284 hybrid goats, 194 of which are she goats and 90 he goats, to 90 model farmers of Abolot village, Aketa Parish, Ongongoja Sub County, and Katakwi District.


While delivering the goats to beneficiaries of Aketa parish, Ongongoja Sub County in Katakwi district on Sunday, 7th September, 2024, Hellen AKello Okumu, the Private Secretary to the president in charge of Poverty Alleviation, said the program of poverty alleviation is one program geared towards restoring wealth under Bonawagagale, locally known as Abaratakere, which will especially restore hopes in farmers whose livestock animals were raided by Karimojong cattle raiders, thus depolarizing people’s wife’s.

Geoffrey Omolo, the LCV Katakwi, compliments the government’s effective services to Ongongoja’s underprivileged residents. He welcomed the government’s support for Katakwi and Ongongoja in particular.


Mary Gorreti Irowat, Raphael Okolimo, and Mary Gorreti Ilocot, Some of the beneficiaries of these hybrid goats, all of whom live in Akworo village, Aketa Parish in Ongongoja, hailed Alupo and President Museveni as authentic Ugandan leaders who care about locals.


According to them, the assistance will help educate young ones and improve the living conditions of their families.

Paul Walakiria, Katakwi’s Chief Administrative Officer, has urged the community to care for the animals by vaccinating them and closely monitoring their health and hygiene.


Deputy Resident District Commissioner Katakwi, Vincent Savior Okwi, has urged locals to participate in government programs such as PDM, wealth development, and others aimed at combating poverty in the home.

He also urged communities to decrease on alcohol consumption in order to see steady growth in families.

The State House’s poverty alleviation initiative has already provided Katakwi district with over 1000 hybrid goats in an effort to alleviate poverty.

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