State House Anti-corruption unit argued to probe NAGRC ED Peter Beine, Nshaara Ranch Manager Dr Tuwangye over theft, corruption and abuse of office

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A group of concerned Ugandans have argued the head of State House Anti-Corruption Unit to investigate Dr. Peter Beine, the Executive Director National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB) and Dr Innocent Tuwangye the Nshaara Ranch Manager for corruption and causing government loss.

The duo is accused of corruption, selling government cattle and doing shoddy work during the recent fencing of the government ranch in Kiruhura District.

As of today, the concrete fence which cost the government billions of money a few years ago is already on the ground after the Mbarara based contractor one Bosco Mujuni who is Dr. Tuwangye’s henchman used poor materials during the construction of the concrete poles.

The contractor handpicked by Beine and Tuwangye, the one who made the poles, is different from the one who fenced the ranch.

The concerned citizen says the contractor used sub-substandard wire mesh and iron bars of sub substandard gauge with no aggregate which made the poles too weak and unable to withhold the weight thus causing the fence to fall on the ground.

The petitioner now wants SHAU to probe and prosecute Beine, Dr Tuwangye and the contractor before the courts of law and ensure that the government funds are recovered and suspects severely punished.

It is reported that Dr Beine and Tuwangye after learning that the justice is closing in on them, have embarked on a false claim that the fence was vandalized by the neighboring community because of a long-standing conflict with the ranch management which is not true.

Observers say Tuwangye and Beine are now beneficiaries of the so-called conflict to justify their selective eviction and for their economic gains.

For Tuwangye, he is reported to have used the construction materials supposed to do government ranch construction like wire mesh and nails to stock them at his two newly opened hardware shops in Mbarara.

One of his hardware shops is located along High Street and another one in Kakoba in Mbarara City.

It should be remembered that part of Nshaara ranch which stretches from Rwempogo ‘Birunduma and Byengiri is part of the land that was given to the Association of Ankole Long-Horned Cattle in 2018 by President Museveni.

The association says up to today, no allocation or offer letter has ever been given to them by ministry of Agriculture officials.

Efforts by the association led by its chairperson one Canon Rubunda to visit the area through the ranch management have been futile.

This is the same part of the land where Tuwangye and Beine are conducting selective and brutal evictions of cattle farmers which have seen many cattle injured and hundreds missing.

It is also believed this stretch of approximately 4-square miles including 2 miles which president Museveni gave to this association could have been sold by NAGRC Executive director DR Peter Baine and the manager of the ranch or are planning to sell it.This is because other areas like Ishura and Rwakobo where there are squatters too remain unaffected by the evictions.

Against this background, more 400 acres of the same Nshara government ranch in Rwakobo was also sold to one Major David Tibamanya who has already fenced off the said piece of the ranch and could have already secured its land title.

Major Tibamanya is a very close friend of Dr Peter Beine.

The two powerful NAGRC supremos are also accused of conniving to illegally sell government cows which they first hide at one of Dr Beine’s private farms before they are sold out to cattle traders across the country and beyond.

These cows are loaded on trucks by Tuwangye and sneak out of the farm at night.

A source familiar with this ongoing corruption cites that around April 2024, 13 heifers and one big bull white in colour (Rusa) and one cow (ngabo) were loaded on a fuso by DR Tuwangye and were driven towards Mbarara direction. It is suspected they could be at Dr Beine’s farm in Sanga Town Council which he bought recently.

The farm is on 130 acres of land which he bought recently at shs30m per acre.

These 13 heifers were from the kraal of one herdsman Kakimbiri,Naboth and Kacondo who are ready to testify if protected as witnesses/sources.The big bull Rusa and one cow Ngabo were picked from the Kraal of one Mupenzi also ready to testify.

After 5 days, 150 young bulls were further sold by Tuwangye to two cattle traders from Luwero identified as Kazoora (0703951606 and a one only identified as Fadul.

They were also loaded from the Kraal manned by Kakimbiri and Naboth. Beine is also putting up a three-star hotel on the same land.The concerned citizen wants SHAU to investigate these matters and have the suspects brought to books of law.

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