Ssegirinya’s Birthday Marked in Nairobi Hospital, Eagerly Awaits Homecoming”

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The legislator who is being treated for cancer has spent nearly five months at the Aga Khan University Hospital in the Kenyan capital.As he turned 35 years old, Ssegirinya was surprised by his friends who travelled from Kampala to celebrate with him.

The sickly legislator smiled ear to ear as they sang him a happy birthday and cut cake with him. He also shared cake with a few of his doctors.During the simple celebration, Ssegirinya spoke on the phone with some of his fellow NUP leaders including Mityana Municipality Hon Francis Zaake, who expressed a desire to see him on his feet again.

Getting better
Mrs. Justine Nakajumba, Ssegirinya’s mother said her son was doing much better and ready to return with home.

“He will soon be with you,” she said on the phone with the Mityana legislator.“That is the prayer for all of us, we wish to see him back up and running his duties again,” Zaake replied.It is understood that the National Unity Platform paid for the surprise birthday through its Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya.

Ssegirinya was admitted to the Kenyan hospital, on January 9th, this year after his condition deteriorated.Earlier last year, he had been rushed to Amsterdam in the Netherlands where he received specialised treatment for a myriad of illnesses ranging from skin cancer to gastro-intestinal complications.

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