Speaker Among mourns Tamale Mirundi


The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among has mourned the fallen former President Museveni’s Spokesperson and renowned political analyst Tamale Mirundi who died last night.

“I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of my friend, Joseph Tamale Mirundi. As a journalist, civil servant, and social-political commentator, Mirundi made significant contributions to his country, and his loss leaves a great void,”

Among sympathized with John Mirundi, the entire family, his friends, and relatives.

“May his soul rest in peace,” Among mourned.

Tamale Mirundi was announced dead on Tuesday night at 11pm after struggling with water that surrounded his lungs as revealed by the doctors at Kisubi Hospital.

He has been known for his popular controversial political messages on both televisions and radios. He has recently been the Deputy Spokesperson of the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) led by CDF Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.

“It is with great sorrow and heavy heart that we announce the untimely passing of our Deputy Spokesperson for Buganda Mzee Tamale Mirundi. May his soul rest in peace,” PLU posted on X handle.  

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