Six months later, Police finally arrest prime suspect in Ndiga clan head murder

Luggya Bbossa Tabula

Kampala, (UG):- The Uganda Police has confirmed the arrest of Lujja Bbosa Tabula, the prime suspect in the murder of the late Eng Daniel Bbosa, the head of Ndiga Clan in Buganda Kingdom.

In a brief statement released on Monday evening, Police Spokesperson ACP Rusoke Kituuma said the fugitive Tabula who has been on the run since February this year was arrested Monday, August 19, by the Crime Intelligence Squad who pursued him for nearly six months since the tragic shooting incident.

“We confirm the arrest of Lujja Bbosa Tabula, the main suspect in the murder of former Ndiga clan leader Engineer Daniel Bbosa. He was apprehended on 19 August 2024, in Kimelika-Namulonge, Busikuma, by our crime intelligence squad,” ACP Kituuma stated.

Tabula, according to police is also wanted in connection with the discovery of human skulls at his residence in Mpigi.

Ndiga Clan Head’s murder

Eng Bbosa, the former Ndiga Clan head was gunned down on February 25 in Kikandwa Lungujja, Rubaga Division, as he approached his home. The 72-year-old, who was also the director of Transa Electrical, was shot dead in his car as he neared his residence in Kikandwa Zone.

Abdul Katabaazi, a plumber and boda boda operator in Kikandwa Zone, who witnessed the shooting and pursued and captured the assailants was later awarded the Nalubaale Medal by President Museveni for his bravery in apprehending the suspects.

Despite these developments, the prime suspect in the murder remained at large, even as police offered a Shs10 million bounty for his capture.

The Criminal Investigations Directorate later doubled the reward to Shs20 million in a bid to expedite the resolution of the high-profile murder case, but Tabula continued to evade arrest.

After his arrest, Tabula is expected to face multiple charges, including murder and involvement in illegal activities related to the human remains found at his residence.

At least five people have already been charged and remanded in connection with the murder of the Buganda clan chief. These include Noah Lujja, 21, a mason; Milly Naluwenda, a secretary to a traditional court; Harriet Nakiguli; Joseph Nakabale, a painter; and Ezra Mayanja.

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