Sironko District to Dismiss Five Civil Servants over Mismanagement of PDM

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By Weswa Ronnie




Sironko district local government is set to dismiss from service five Parish Chiefs after it was confirmed that they were engaged in extorting money from PDM beneficiaries embezzling money meant to facilitate the program.


The Parish Chiefs are from Bukusege Town Council, Zesui Sub County, Sironko Town Council, Busamaga Sub County and Mafudu Sub County.


This was revealed by Nelson Kirenda, the Sironko Chief Administrative Officer while speaking to stakeholders, PDM district Leaders, parish and sub county leaders on Wednesday, 4th September, 2024.


The meeting held at Buwalasi sub county head offices is part of the PDM and Emyoga ongoing evaluating meetings across Bugisu region organised by Rita Namuwenge, the Emyoga National Coordinator also Eastern region PDM consultant.


According to Kirenda five parish chiefs during PDM Phase III extorted money from beneficiaries while others swindled Shs250,000 meant for facilitation of parish PDM committees.


He says that receiving the allegations, he asked police to investigate. Kirenda adds that Police investigated the allegations and confirmed them prompting him to interdict the five in August, 2024 and sent to the Disciplinary Committee.


He revealed that the District Disciplinary Committee sat and recommended the district service commission to sack them due to corruption, improper way of behavior and fighting government programs which can help poor Ugandans to come out of poverty.


Kirenda says that the district service commission is going to sit this month of September and implement the decision which was taken by the disciplinary committee as the law requires.


Ritah Namuwenge, asked other Parish chiefs from Sironko and Bugisu at large to take that as an example.


She says extortion of money from PDM beneficiaries is illegal saying any parish chief or district staff found doing so will lose his or her job.

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