Sheebah talks to Rwandan journalists about having kids amid pregnancy rumours

When asked when the public might expect to see her with children, the singer, also known as Queen Sheebah, replied, “Whenever God says, whenever God decides. When God says yes, who am I?”

Karungi affirmed that she is still single, despite recent claims by media personality Kasuku, who has stated that she is in a relationship and that he even knows the man involved.

However, this source may not have been entirely accurate, as they also claimed that Karungi would not be accepting bookings for performances from September onwards until after she had given birth.

Contrary to this, she is scheduled to hold a concert on Friday, October 4, at Lugogo Cricket Oval in Kampala.

The show, titled ‘Neyanziza,’ is set to go ahead despite the earlier pregnancy rumours, which began circulating several months ago. Karungi denied the claims, attributing her appearance to bloating.

For years, Karungi has been vocal about not being in a rush to have children. In 2022, she even urged people to “get out of her ovaries” following persistent inquiries about when she plans to start a family.

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