Sheebah Karungi makes case against marriage

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“I have said this all my life. I want to have children because I have been babysitting people’s children all my life. So, whenever my time comes, I am going to be a mother, but I will not be a wife.

The singer’s aversion to marriage stems from a variety of factors, including her personal experiences and her admiration for independent women in media.

“God has played a huge part in my life when it comes to guiding me because I could have gone astray,” Sheebah explained.

“We are in music, and in music, there are drugs, there are men… But God helped me that I was never interested in men.”

Sheebah also emphasised her rejection of the “Cinderella syndrome,” the belief that a woman’s happiness depends on finding a Prince Charming.

“My focus has never been waiting on a man to come and save me,” she declared. “I have never been there imagining my wedding, yet 80 to 90% of girls, their dream is to get a husband.”

The singer’s views on marriage have been shaped by her love of movies and documentaries.

“Movies influenced me in that I watched and enjoyed films where female protagonists who are independent, driving good cars and making moves; those are the women that I really admired,” Sheebah recalled.

“I also started watching documentaries at a very early age even though I could not even construct a sentence in English.”

Sheebah’s admiration for strong, independent women, such as Oprah Winfrey, has further solidified her belief in self-reliance.

“I watched Oprah Winfrey religiously and also TV series which were not translated so I could learn faster and eventually I was learning new things on the internet,” she said.

While Sheebah’s decision to remain unmarried may surprise some, her perspective offers a refreshing take on traditional gender roles and expectations.

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