Sheebah Karungi: ”I Said No To Marriage But Yes To Children”

Sheebah 1

By Our Reporter

Growing up, we always thought things would happen in a certain order: meet a guy, fall in love, move in together, get married, have kids, and live happily ever after.

These days, having kids without getting married is no big deal, and singer Sheebah Karungi is one of those who believe so.

Over the years, former TNS singer Sheebah Karungi has revealed her negative attitude towards men and marriage altogether.

Speaking in an interview in Rwanda, where she is set to perform at an event slated for Saturday, Sheebah reaffirmed that she plans to have children, despite marriage not being something she wants to engage in.

“I said no to marriage but not no to children,” said Sheebah, before adding that, God willing, she will have her own children.

For months now, there have been reports that the Nkwatako singer is pregnant, but she has always downplayed the reports despite sometimes appearing to have a baby bump.

Anyway, one thing that cannot be permanently hidden is pregnancy. Now let us patiently wait.

Source: Matooke Republic. 

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