Sheebah declines music battle with Spice, accepts round 2 clash with Cindy


“I don’t think me and her can make that kind of… Because with Cindy, the excitement was based on reality… Me and Cindy have our own issues. She has her own issues with me… But for Spice, there is no issue.”

Despite the rivalry with Cindy, who is also a popular Ugandan artist, Sheebah, known as Queen Karma, admitted that she has never understood why Cindy holds a grudge against her.

“I wanna find out,” she said, adding, “I was a fan. I’m still a fan of her music.” She also expressed her admiration for Cindy’s vibe, attributing their ongoing tension to the competitive nature of the entertainment industry.

Sheebah did, however, leave the door open for another battle with Cindy, provided the financial incentives are right. The two singers previously faced off in a highly publicised music battle in September 2023 at Kololo Independence Grounds in Kampala.

“From experience, there’s no beef between Sheebah and Spice Diana. They just want to sell their brands through controversy… It is all about ‘talkability’ and pushing their brands,” Sendi commented in a recent interview. “They have no money to advertise their brands.”

However, Sendi was quick to point out that a lack of animosity doesn’t necessarily mean that Sheebah and Spice Diana are friends.

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