Serena 63 Golf Series second quarterly event tees off

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The Serena 63 Golf Series returns to the Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort & Spa (LVSGR) in Kigo for its second quarterly event today. Now in its second year, the series, presented by I&M Bank Uganda and Serena Hotels, has grown in popularity, with participation increasing from 70 players in the first quarter to 77 players currently.

Today’s event will culminate in a glamorous prize-giving dinner at the 19th hole, where top performers will be recognized. This edition also includes a subsidiary event open to all golfers, regardless of their participation in the series.

Kenyan Boniface Simwa, the resident professional at Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort & Spa and an official for the series, expressed excitement about the competition as it heads into its final stretch. “The Serena 63 Series is now one of the most sought-after events at the club, at least going by the massive response from golfers. We have tens of players that have already put in over 20 rounds, which increases their chances of emerging winners in the series,” said Simwa.

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Defending champion David Plenderleith in action during the first quarter of the series

At stake is a grand prize worth Shs40m, which includes an exclusive annual golf membership at Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort & Spa. With the stakes higher than ever, golfers eagerly anticipate the awards session, where top performers will receive outstanding prizes from the event sponsors, I&M Bank, and Serena Hotels.

Annette Nakiyaga, the Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications at I&M Bank Uganda, shared her enthusiasm for the event. “As we get ready to celebrate the achievements of our golfers, we’re proud to support an event that not only celebrates sporting excellence but also builds community, strengthens bonds, and fosters lasting friendships.”

I&M Bank will provide special perks for top-performing golfers, including a fully sponsored trip for the five overall winners of the series to participate in the esteemed I&M Invitational Golf Tournament in Kenya early next year.

By press time, David Plenderleith, the defending champion and series leader from the first quarter, was still among the players to watch. His 20 rounds of play put him in a strong position to receive an accolade later this evening. Other golfers with remarkable performances in the series so far include first-quarter second runner-up Duncan Kaggwa (23 rounds), Kartick Halai (22 rounds), and lady golfer Katy Kabenge (21 rounds).

The overall winners of the Serena 63 Series will be announced at the series grand finale, scheduled for November 30.

Event: Serena 63 Golf Series

Venue: Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort & Spa, Kigo

Expected Field: At least 100 golfers

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